The MIDI Tracks


The two MIDI tracks behave just like the Synth tracks and support all the same sequencer functions, but have a couple of key differences:

As with the Synth and Drum tracks, the MIDI tracks use the Macro knobs to set volume and pan levels in Mixer View and FX send levels for delay and reverb in the FX View. However, on the MIDI tracks, these act on the analogue audio signal applied at the two audio Inputs on the rear panel.


Selecting Templates

Eight MIDI templates are stored within Circuit Tracks, represented by the top row of blue pads. Each template defines the MIDI CC messages are transmitted by the Macro controls; select a template that matches the MIDI spec of your external equipment.

Default template:


Setting Up Templates in Components

MIDI Template Control Range

MIDI Template Control Polarity


Connecting to external hardware via MIDI Out

To sequence and control external equipment from Circuit Tracks, connect a 5-pin MIDI from Circuit Tracks' MIDI Out port (or MIDI Thru if set to duplicate the MIDI Out port, see Setup View)